windows update

Restore Point : How to Recover Windows?

What is Restore Point?

In this article, we will explain what is a “Restore Point” and how it benefits us. We will also show you how we can create and use them on our Windows Operating System.

When anything awful occurs to your Windows Operating System, you may want to restore it to a previous state so that it can resume functioning regularly. If done incorrectly, altering registry values or deleting crucial Windows files may cause the system to malfunction.

You can restore your system to a prior state where your configuration were in their default state if it’s not functioning as it should after editing the registry or changing system configuration. But first, you will need to create that “state” in order to recover your Windows to that state.

How to Recover your Windows?

Turn on “System Protection”

First, press your Windows button and search for “restore”, you should be able to see the “Create a restore point” in the full results like below.

restore point

Click on the results, and it will open up “system properties” with the tab “System Protection” already opened.

system properties

Under the “Protection Settings”, make sure you have turn on protection for your System drive C:\ where you normally install your Windows. If you install your Windows in another drive, then you will have to turn on protection for that drive.

If the protection for your system drive is turned off, simply click on that drive and then click “Configure”. It will open up the restore settings.

system protection

Just click “Turn on system protection” and choose the max usage for system protection. In my case, 1% is equals to 10GB which is sufficient to store all the important settings as my restore point. Just hit “OK” once you have choose the right settings.

You can also delete all the restore points created for your system by clicking the delete button. This would free up disk space and allows it to create a fresh restore point. You should delete it if you think you should start from your current state.

Now, if you want to create a restore point manually or if you are about to do something with your system that you’re not comfortable with, you can backup your current state at this point. So that when your system runs abnormally after you did some settings, you can recovery your system back to its previous state.

create restore point

Under the same settings menu, click the “Create” button at the bottom, you should now see a new window. Simply type in a description and hit “Create”.

Restore Files and Settings

Now that you’ve learn to create restore point, now we will learn how to restore or recover Windows using it.

Under the same tab “System Protection”. Click on the “System Restore” button and it will open up a wizard.

restore system files and settings

Hit the Next button and choose the restore point that you want.

system restore point

Once you click the next button, you will see the next step to confirm your restore point.

Lastly, once you hit the finish button, your system will be restored to the point that you’ve chose.


Now that you have learned to create and restore Windows using restore point, you should be able to edit your registry or system settings more comfortably. To avoid having difficult situations or less headache, we should turn on the system protection for your system drive and let your system to automatically create its own restore point.

In case if anything bad happen to your system, you can always use the default restore point that your system has created previously or from your manually created restore point.

Stay safe!

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